If you’re an office worker, you’ll know how difficult it can be to maintain a good posture throughout the workday. You can be as diligent as you like, checking that you're seated correctly, but it’s the design of your equipment that has the greatest influence on posture. Could it be backfiring your good intentions?
Perils of Poor Posture
When people think of poor posture, they imagine a worker with hunched shoulders and a sore back. However, poor posture can impact far more areas of the body. Poor posture leads to Repetitive Strain Injuries (RSI), which in office workers is usually caused by strain on the fingers, wrists, arms, shoulders, and neck.
Work performance is linked to posture. When sitting comfortably, you’re better able to concentrate on your work, make fewer mistakes, and look switched on and alert to colleagues. Sedentary jobs and poor posture can lead to low mood and depression. Even the digestive system struggles to work at its optimum level when sitting for extended periods, compressing the digestive organs.
Ergonomics 101
Ergonomics is the process of arranging a workplace with the right products and systems to fit the people who are using them. The equipment is designed for the people using it rather than the people adapting to the equipment they have.
The science of equipment fitting the user can increase efficiency and productivity and reduce discomfort and possible injuries.
Desk Accessory Checklist
A few accessories in and around your desk can make the work day easier and help your posture and wellbeing.
Mouse - if you’re a heavy mouse user, upgrade to an ergonomic one that allows your hand and wrist to sit in a more natural position.
Mouse pad - elevate your wrist off the desk to a more comfortable angle while also reducing the risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome.
Telephone - if you use a phone regularly during the day, place it in a comfortable spot to reach. People often push it away from their keyboard, limiting ease of use and smoothness of body gestures to reach for the phone. If you use the computer while talking on the phone, opt for a computer headset so you never cradle the phone between your ear and shoulder. Doing this even a few times a day can lead to a shoulder or neck injury.
Air Purifier - air quality is often overlooked, but in some workplaces, it’s a cause for concern. Poor ventilation, pollutants, and dust can trigger asthma or breathing difficulties in some people. A personal air purifier sitting on or near your desk can help clear the air of germs and bacteria so you can breathe easier.
Lighting - overhead lighting can be harsh or not bright enough. If you find yourself struggling to see the computer screen at some times of the day, that's your cue to find an ergonomic desk light.
Ergonomic Equipment
Investing in ergonomic equipment for your office or home study can help you maintain a good posture throughout the day. Take a look at the following:
Monitor Stands and Risers
Elevating your screen so your eyes are lined up with the top of the monitor rather than the bottom can reduce neck and eye strain. There are fixed solutions such as monitor arms and easy-to-move solutions such as a monitor riser, laptop stand or tablet stand.
Ergonomic Seating Solutions
A good quality ergonomic chair allows you to change the settings on all chair parts to suit your body shape and task. A chair that provides support where you need it most will help you maintain the ideal posture. Even better is alternating your position throughout the day with a height-adjustable desk.
Keyboard Trays and Wrist Rests
Hand and wrist positioning while typing requires significant attention. Does your wrist bend in a weird shape trying to hit a particular key, or do your elbows ache when you rest on the edge of the desk? Consider investing in an ergonomic keyboard and an ergonomic wrist rest to prevent carpal tunnel syndrome and other injuries.
Desk Organisers for Clutter-Free Space
A tidy desk is a tidy mind. Use stylish containers to hold objects like pens and paper clips together. Storing similar items together can help maximise your working space while adding a decorative, personal touch. A tidy, organised desk can help lift your mood, which indirectly improves your posture, focus, and productivity.
Personal Touches for a Motivating Workspace
Some organisations have enforced a clean desk policy with minimal personal items. The strategy is suitable for hot desking workplaces where every workstation is the same, so it doesn’t matter where they sit, but it’s not ideal for some workers.
Sitting at the same desk every day means a worker can have equipment designed and modified to suit their body shape. Moreover, it can help inspire and motivate employees to work all day. A few family or friend photos are a popular addition to the desk of petition walls. A potted plant or flower adds greenery and life to an otherwise dull environment. And an object from a favourite hobby allows a worker’s personality to shine through.
The right ergonomic equipment and some personal desk accessories can elevate a workstation from a poor posture and boring space to one that encourages workers to feel and do their best work.
If you have any queries about which ergonomic equipment or accessories will work for you, contact Ergolink at (08) 9240 7066, visit our website or showroom, or contact us online.