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35 results found (0.01 seconds)
Result Item 21 to 30 of 35

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/brands (16 July 2024)

3M Accord Advanta Arteil Atdec Bakker Elkhuizen Buro Chair Solutions Contour Dal Brands Elevar...

Returns & Warranty Policy

Please note that we strictly adhere to our returns policy. You should choose your product(s)...

Shipping & Delivery

In order to keep your costs low and to make delivery and shipping as fast as possible, we use...

Standing Desk Buyers Guide Part 2 - Comparing Electric Sit Stand Desks

Standing Desk Buyers Guide Part 2 - Comparing Electric Sit Stand Desks

There are plenty of electric desks on the market but we’ve narrowed down the options to the...

Privacy Policy

Last updated: February 15, 2018 Ergolink ("us", "we", or "our") operates the

Standing Desk Buyers Guide Part 1 - What Type of Desk Do You Need?

Standing Desk Buyers Guide Part 1 - What Type of Desk Do You Need?

The popularity of standing desks has exploded in the last few years but the variety of options...

Ergonomic Office Chairs Buyers Guide - Part 1

Ergonomic Office Chairs Buyers Guide - Part 1

Your choice of ergonomic office chair will depend on your body shape, requirements of your job and...

What is Ergonomics and Why Does it Matter?

What is Ergonomics and Why Does it Matter?

Ergonomics isn’t just a buzz word, proper ergonomic design produces productivity and health...

Is Sitting all Day Killing You? What the Research Says (2018)

Is Sitting all Day Killing You? What the Research Says (2018)

It’s hard to believe sitting is a killer, but research is telling us to get up out of our...

4 Portable Office Essentials - Does Your Mobile Workforce Have Them?

4 Portable Office Essentials - Does Your Mobile Workforce Have Them?

The right equipment makes it convenient and safe for staff to work away from the office.

Result Item 21 to 30 of 35